- The Our Lady of the Island Council Hall is now available for all parties, Council events and meetings with occupancy limited to 100 persons. All current Coronavirus restrictions and procedures are strictly followed.
- The Council Officer's Meeting will be held on Monday, March 3, 2025 at 7:30 PM. Note: CHANGED TO MONDAY EVENINGS.
- The next Council Business Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 19, 2025 at 7:30 PM. Bring unwrapped toys for Outreach.
- The next Home Corporation Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 12, 2025 at 7:30 PM.
- The next meeting of the St. John XXIII Assembly will be on Wednesday, March 26, 2025 at 8:00 PM at New Hyde Park All 4th Degree Members are invited to attend.
- The annual Deceased Members Mass and Breakfast will be held on Sunday, March 9th. Mass at OLL at 9 AM. Breakfast to follow at 10:30 AM at the Council.
The Annual George Donnelly Night at the Races event is scheduled for on Saturday, March 15th, 2025 at 7 PM.
Reservations and payment must be received by Joe Bonarrigo by Sunday, March 10th.
Cost is $30 per person. See the Lantern for details.
The Testimonial Dinner for PGK Richard Seeger is scheduled for on Saturday, April 26th, 2025 from 7 PM to 11 PM at the Council Hall.
Reservations and payment must be received by Joe Bonarrigo by Sunday, April 21st.
Cost is $60 per person. See the Lantern for details.
- The next meeting of the Columbiettes is scheduled for Thursday, March 27, 2025 at 7:30 PM.
KNIGHT OF THE YEAR: Awarded to John Guarino
FAMILY OF THE YEAR Awarded to Anthony Leo PGK and Christine
Social Meeting 7:30PM April 2, 2025
Officer's Meeting 7:30PM April 14, 2025
Business Meeting 7:30 April 16, 2025
St. John XXIII Assembly Meeting April 23, 2025
Testimonial Dinner for Richard Seeger April 26, 2025
The drawing is open to all members and their spouses and you can have as many numbers as you want. DON’T MISS OUT.
Make your $10 check, for each number, payable to the “Columbus Club 6911” and mail to
Columbus Club 6911, 2 East Gate Road, Massapequa Park, NY 11762
DRAWINGS BEGIN SEPTEMBER 20 2024: $50 a month and two $100 drawings in December. You have to be in it to win it. There will be two $100 winners drawn at the Christmas Party - Volunteers are needed Friday nights for whatever time you can give from 6:30PM to 11 PM. Remember that Bingo is the financial backbone and lifeline of our Council. Please contact GK Richard Seeger if you can volunteer - or just show up. No regular Bingo on Friday, May 24, 2024.
- Join us every First Friday for Nocturnal Adoration. One hour prayer sessions start at 10PM and end at 6 AM. Please contact Joe Amorin at 516-799-0039 for information.
- Join us every Monday night at 7PM at OLI Council to pray the Rosary for our Nations’ leaders, world peace, our Priests and and Religious and those dear to you. Please contact Kenn Catalano at 516-314-3889 for updates.
- You are invited to join the Men of St. Joseph at 7:30 PM in Our Lady of Lourdes, Room 24
- Remember the Military. Please join us in support of Adopt A Battalion. Donations are needed. Regular Adopt a Battalion Saturday gatherings at the Council are cancelled until further notice. Adopt A Battalion EVP. Kenn Catalano is the lead person to contact for details.
- Every Monday night, the Council is open for members who want to come down and try their luck. With a Cablevision Sports Package you can watch your favorite Sports especially Hockey and Basketball. We are pleased to announce that the wives of all members are welcome to come to the Council on Monday Evenings to play cards at 7:45 PM Ladies will have their own games. Contact Joanne Iulo or Carol Ruberti if you are interested.
- Membership dues for 2025 are due in January., You will receive an invoice in December. Please send a check for $40.00 made payable to KofC #6911 and mailed to our Financial Secretary Jim Wall at 15 Grendon Lane,Farmingville, NY 11738. Your card will be mailed or you can come to a business meeting to pick your new membership card
Council Information
Business Meetings
3rd Wednesday of Each Month at 7:30 P.M.
Home Corporation Meetings
2nd Wednesday of Each Month at 7:30 P.M.
Officers Meetings
1st Wednesday of Each Month at 7:30 P.M.
Social Meetings
1st Wednesday of Each Month at 8 P.M.
Columbiettes Meetings
4th Thursday of Each Month at 7:30 P.M.
Friday's, Our Lady of Lourdes, 7:30 PM, Volunteers 6:15 PM
Pray the Rosary
Monday Nights, 7 P.M., Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel

Council Overview
Our Lady of the Council #6911 Knights of Columbus supports the communities of Massapequa and Massapequa Park. The council supports Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Adopt a Battalion, Rosary Prayer Services, Bingo Operations among many other endeavors. Contact Council
Council Contacts:
- Insurance Agent
Joeseph Rannazzis
(631) 484-0252 - Hall Rentals (516) 798-9887
- Sick Calls, Michael Cataldi GK
- Wake Calls, Michael Cataldi, GK
- Adopt a Battalion, Kenn Catalano
- Program Director, Joe Bonarrigo PGK, FDD
- Lantern Articles / Advertising, Michael Cataldi GK
Proudly Serving Our Community Parish
- Pastor: Monsignor James P. Lisante
- 855
Carmans Road,
Massapequa Park, NY 11762 - Phone: 516-541-3270
- Bulletins
- Parish Office: ollmpk@aol.com
- Parish Office: ollmpk@aol.com
- Directions
- Mass Schedule
- Parish Forms

Our Lady of the Island Council Personnel
Officers | Officer Title |
Rev. Kevin Thompson | Chaplain |
Richard T. Seeger | Grand Knight |
Matt Salvo |
Deputy Grand Knight |
Frank Rosato | Chancellor |
Joseph Amorin | Warden |
William Dwyer | Inside Guard |
Jose Salmeron | Outside Guard |
Ron Esposito | Outside Guard |
John Sullivan PGK | Treasurer |
Al Treutlien |
Recorder |
James Wall PGK | Financial Secretary |
Paul Costello |
Lecturer |
Jim Iulo PGK | Advocate |
Michael Cataldi PGK | 3-Year Trustee |
James Kelly PGK | 2-Year Trustee |
DCN Fred Ferrara PGK |
1-YearTrustee |
Officers | Officer Title |
Joe Esposito, PGK | President |
Vincent DiCicco |
Vice President |
Joseph Troiano | Treasurer |
James Gallagher | Secretary |
Sonny Sirianni | Director |
Lance Mattina | Director |
Joseph Ricioppo | Director |
Thomas O'Brien | Director |
Joseph Bonarrigo PGK | Director |
Joseph Ciro | Director |
Anthony Leo PGK | Director |
Officers | District Title |
Kevin Hoffman PGK | District Deputy |
John Sullivan PGK | Warden |
Russell Merendino PGK | Warden |
William Devlin PGK | Warden |
Brian Ferri | Warden |
Officers | Program Title |
Joseph Bonarrigo PGK,FDD | Program Director |
Peter Ruberti PGK | Membership Director |
Richard Elias PGK,FDD | Retention Chairman |
Dcn. Fred Ferrara PGK | Vocations Chairman |
Joseph Esposito PGK | Council Director |
Richard Seeger | Fourth Degree Chairman |
Joseph Bonarrigo PGK, FDD | Ceremonial Chariman |
Joseph Rannazzisi | KofC Insurance Rep (631-484-0252) |
Officers | Program Title |
Joan Donovan | President |
Donna Quilty |
Immediate Past President |
Lina Rivera-Santana |
Vice President |
Beth Baker | Secretary |
Tina Lauro | Financial Secretary |
Jennifer Aguayo-Tinelli | Treasurer |
Tricia Stipo | Sentinel |